Tuesday, January 23, 2007

solaris 5.8 notes 1

Stop Power Management for Server (if turn it on before)
vi /etc/power.conf
autoshutdown 30 9:00 9:00 shutdown -- change to --> noshutdown

Network Configuration
use DHCP
1. touch /etc/hostname.<> (e.g. hostname.hme0)
2. touch /etc/dhcp.<> (e.g. dhcp.hme0)

use Fixed IP
1. touch /etc/hostname.<>(e.g. hostname.hme0)
2. echo "<> (e.g. sun1)" >> /etc/hostname.
3. vi /etc/hosts localhost
# add a new line
e.g. sun1 loghost
4. touch /etc/defaultrouter
5. echo "<>" >> /etc/defaultrouter
6. echo "<> (e.g. " >> /etc/inet/netmasks
7. init 6
8. use ifconfig -a to check status
9. use ifconfig up/down to start/stop interface ( e.g ifconfig hme0 up )

Simple NFS Server Configuration
for example: wanna to share /testing with read & write permission
1. chmod 766 /testing
2. /usr/lib/nfs/nfsd -a (start nfsd service)
3. /usr/lib/nfs/mountd (start mountd service)
4. /etc/init.d/nfs.server start
5. share -F nfs -o rw /testing
6. showmount -a (check who are mounting from you)
NFS Client
for example: wanna to mount's /testing folder
1. mount /mnt
2. cd /mnt

Friday, January 05, 2007

Windows 2003 NTP Client/Server Installation & Configuration

NTP Server:

1. Configure the following registry entries:
Parameters\Type: NTP
Config\AnnounceFlags: 5
TimeProviders\NtpServer\Enabled: 1
Parameters\NtpServer: NoSync

2. Restart the service after changing these parameters from command prompt:
net stop w32time && net start w32time

NTP Client:
1. 3 utilities required:
Automachron (achron.exe)

2. Install achron.exe, start it from command prompt:
c:\program files\one guy coding\automachron\achron.exe /s
Config & Exit the Automachron

3. Put instrsrv.exe & srvany.exe files in a directory c:\reskit, open command prompt:
c:\reskit\instrsrv.exe Automachron c:\reskit\srvany.exe

4. Configure the following registry entries:
From the Edit menu, click Add Key and name it Parameters.
Next from the Edit menu, click Add Value and type this information.
Value Name: Application
Data Type: REG_SZ
String: C:\Program Files\One Guy Coding\Automachron\achron.exe /s

5. Check Automachron’s LOG to ensure achron.exe run as a service successfully.