Friday, October 25, 2013

Windows 2008 Time sync. configuration

1. check the time server with "w32tm /stripchart /computer:[Time_Server_IP] /dataonly /samples:5"

2. sync by setting "w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:[Time_Server_IP],0x8, /syncfromflags:manual /update"

  • 0x8 -- set Windows time to use client mode

3. Or if it has joined the domain, default it should be syncing with one of the Domain controllers

4. you can manually configure that by typing: "w32tm /config /syncfromflags:domhier /update"

5. restart the time service
  • net stop w32time
  • net start w32time

6. "w32tm /resync" to sync immediately ( it may failed, re-run step1 to verify the status)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Export and Import DHCP Reservations for Windows Server

Export the DHCP reservation list on A server,

netsh dhcp server [ip address] scope [scope address] dump > reservation_list.txt
e.g. netsh dhcp server scope dump > reservation_list.txt

Edit the exported file in notepad 'reservation_list.txt' , Simply do a Find and Replace for the A server IP you ran the export on and change to the B server IP you are importing to and remove out everything else in the text file except for the reservations config section.

Import the DHCP reservation list:
netsh exec reservation_list.txt

Friday, April 05, 2013

AIX NFS sharing/mounting

NFS Sharing

start NFS service
-->smitty-->Communications Applications and Services-->NFS-->Network File System (NFS)-->Configure NFS on This System-->Start NFS
share a file system
-->smitty-->Communications Applications and Services-->NFS-->Network File System (NFS)-->Add a Directory to Exports List (or smitty mknfsexp)
list out all shared file system
#showmount -e localhost

NFS Mounting

mount a file system
-->smitty-->Communications Applications and Services-->NFS-->Network File System (NFS)-->Add a File System for Mounting (or smitty mknfsmnt)